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Mario Rocha - 


September 3 - October 9,  2023

Artist Statement

As my final year at NIU has started, I wanted to take some time to reflect. Think about these pieces like a one-to-one conversation, and I am sharing my experiences with whoever happens to see this. I am a private person and I usually create for myself, but there’s a few things that I experienced that I think can connect with people or really confuse them. In any case, I’d be happy to explain further.





1) YY/MM/DD - Acrylic & Ink
2) New Roses - TBA 
2.5) Neurosis - ink 

3) Stendhal Syndrome - Acrylic

4) Empathy - Mixed Media

5) Session concluded - Acrylic and Ink 
6) Look, but don't Touch- Color Pencil 
7) INTJ- mixed media 
8) Camino Sucio -charcoal
9) Ojos de miel- Digital

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